July 30

I am with you now. I was with you yesterday.  Were you practicing the knowledge of My presence?  I would have filled your soul with joy.   

Spend time with friends who don’t know Me.  They need to know of your faith, and the peace I give you; the faith and peace I give you to get through all situations.  

Let the light of My love fill your words and thoughts.  Through this you will receive peace.  And you will share that peace with others.

Don’t ever be sad, beloved.  Count it PURE JOY to endure pain for Me.  Because of sin on this earth, things will never be perfect.  But be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.

I am not making light of your pain.  I know it is there.  I am saying, “work with it.”  Use it to better your knowledge of Me, and to share Me. 

I am surrounding you right now.  My arms wait to hold you securely in My bosom.  What joy we will all feel when we are truly together.  

Wait on Me.  Rest in Me.  Cast your cares on Me, for I am with you   Here, now and for always.


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