June 06

I am here with you now, My beloved child.  Rest in that assurance.

Today will have many issues to be dealt with.  Don’t get so bogged down with them that you forget to seek Me, for I am always right there beside you.

My love for you cannot be measured in words but in the day-to-day direction I give you.

I love you so much that I sent My Son to die for you.  Could you do that if you didn’t know someone?  That is the proof that I know you, and that I love you more than you can even begin to understand.

I know every hair on your head, and I love every one of them!  I know every problem you are going through.  They are not easy, but they are ways to draw you closer to Me.

Walk through them with Me.

Think of Jesus’ death on the cross as My personal gift to only you.  Yes, I would have done that if you were the only person in the entire world.

I will always love and take care of you.  Let’s walk through these issues together.


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