January 13

How a light shines on a hill when the night is clear! That is how your light should shine to others in need.

Who are those in need? Those closest to you. God has put those around you in your path for your own personal ministry.

You  don’t have to be a pastor to have a ministry! I have put you right where you are for a reason.  Don’t wait until I send you out before many to save others. Start right where you are!

Reach out with a phone call, or a hug, or a small gift you made or purchased, just to let them know they are loved and thought about.

The world’s greatest need is to be loved.

I have shown you My love so you may share it with others. You are My light on a hill. Come and let Me permeate your soul anew so you have a clearer understanding of the mission.

Yes, I will use you for great things, but great things start right in front of you, right around you.  

Reach out now. I will be beside you, and will guide and direct you. Share My love, beloved one.

“But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our love as we express the truth. All our direction and ministries will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into him, the anointed Head of his body, the church.”

Ephesians 4:15 TPT

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