May 03

There is a peace to the morning as the stillness slowly begins to fade.  Birds start singing their praises in the meadow, calling out to each other with their individual notes.  

As you start to stir, I watch as you arise from your bed.  

Do you awake with fear, or do you confidently say, “I choose You!”?  This short daily affirmation goes a long way in keeping sin and temptation away, and enabling Me to draw closer to you.

“I choose You!”  Those words ring into My very soul and I cover My child with My shield of protection.

It is a good morning!

Rise and take My hand of strength!

Let Me make you aware of the beauty unfolding just right within your hearing, the wonder of creation coming alive!  Let your soul rise in the awakening as you seek My presence today.

So much to look forward to,

So much we can do together today.

Rise tall and stand transfixed as I fill every inch of you with love, goodness, courage and honor.

You are My special, chosen child and our time together in the morning, surrounded by the awakening of the world around you, will instill peace and courage in your soul.

Choose Me,

for I have chosen you.



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